Wood cross on Hill if Crosses. Cross serve as a memorial
Cross serve as a memorial There is nothing remarkable about the looks of this wooden cross. In fact, the cross is made of old wood, or maybe it has aged…
Send a Cross Photo
Send us Cross image Hillofcrosses.com tries to make cross images collection from the Hill of crosses. You can send us your photo with cross and we will upload it to…
Cross image, Travelers from Austria Cross
Travelers from Austria This metal cross stand out from the wooden crosses that surround it at the hill of crosses. Left by pilgrims from Austria who identified themselves as Parish Pilgrimage…
Pilgrims from Asia Cross on the Hill of crosses
Pilgrims from Asia The hill of crosses has become an international destination for pilgrims. Even those from far continents like Asia have discovered this special place for the catholic cross. Pilgrims…
Cross from Unknown Pilgrim on Hill of Crosses
Cross from Unknown Pilgrim People have been known for going on pilgrimages during the time of Chaucer and they continue to do so even up to this time. Pilgrimages are…
Red cross image, Polish Pilgrims Cross
Cross made of red wood This cross stands out among the hundreds of thousands of crosses on the hill of crosses. For one, the cross is made of red wood…
Cross image, Polish Pilgrims
Polish Pilgrims Pilgrims started leaving crosses of all kinds at the hills of crosses after the uprising in 1831. In time, not only crosses were left on the hills but also…
Cross Image – Jesus, Catholic Cross for Lord
Catholic cross cam from pilgrims At first glance, this image does not really look like a cross but with the statue of Jesus right on the middle, you will realize…
Wooden Cross on the Hill – Polish Cross, Liturgizna Sluzba
Wooden Cross on the Hill If you have not been to the hill of crosses then this photo will give you a pretty good idea of just how many crosses…
Cross image Pontiac Club
Wooden cross from the Pontiac Club Hill of crosses is a beautiful place filled with crosses and memories of people from different parts of the world. This wooden cross from…